Have you ever wondered why geese fly in a V formation? Well, scientists at Caltech did. They put their computers and flight simulators to work and discovered the answer. Flocks of geese formed this pattern because it’s the easiest way to fly. The formation acts aerodynamically like a single wing, that is, wind drag is distributed equally across all the birds. This in turn reduces drag on each individual bird. 25 geese flying together in a V, can travel 70% farther than one goose flying alone. Because the lead goose actually situates itself slightly behind the perfect point position of the V, the geese that follow relieve some of its wind drag. It does not have to work harder than the others, and the benefit of the air flow pattern in the V because it acts as a single flying wing goes both ways. While the lead bird pulls along those that are behind, the followers’ flight sends relief back up to the front. From geese, we can learn that although we live in a society that promotes individualism and self-reliance, we function more effectively in community. Like the geese, we were created by God to work together, serve together, and encourage and support each other. When we cooperate and help each other to succeed. We not only accomplish much, but we do it with much less stress and difficulty. Let’s do it God’s way today. God bless you, Captain Ken Chapman.